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Promoting British Values



Throughout our Ethos and Curriculum we aim to promote Fundamental British Values within all aspects of Roe Farm Primary School. The children themselves want Roe Farm Primary to be friendly, fair, interesting, safe, polite, caring and hardworking.


Our school values are Respect, Optimism, Enthusiasm, Friendly, Achievers, Resilient and Motivated.  


These values, along with the fundamental British Values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance, are taught through our Relationships, Health and Sex Education curriculum as well as through other areas of school life including:


- Assemblies

- Celebration different faiths and cultures

- Whole school theme weeks

- School Council

- Positive behaviour

- Guidance and support

- Charity work

- Appreciation of rules and laws to protect people

- School trips

- Enterprise


We have high aspirations for all of our children and we strongly believe that primary education is not just about results and league tables, nor is it just a stepping stone to secondary school; it is so much more than that. At Roe Farm Primary School we develop skills, knowledge, attitudes and encourage our pupils to be active participants in their education. We want every child to have a positive, memorable learning experience in their journey through school.


Lower KS2

Upper KS2

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