What is Pupil Premium?
The pupil premium grant is a government initiative, introduced in 2011, to provide funding to schools to support pupils from low income backgrounds and help narrow the gap in progress and attainment, particularly in English and Maths.
School receive an additional amount of funding for each child eligible for the pupil premium grant. This enables school to subsidise trips, provide extra support in classrooms and run interventions in reading, writing and maths.
Through pupil premium, some pupils are entitled to receive free school meals. In addition to this, pupil premium pupils may receive additional support in lessons to help them make greater progress and other subsidised extra-curricular activities.
You may be eligible for pupil premium and free school meals if your family receive one of the following:
Income Support
Income-based Job Seekers Allowance Child Tax Credit
Working Tax Credit run-on Universal Credit
Looked after for one or more days
Adopted from care
Left care under special guardianship order or residence order
How it is used?
Pupil premium has enabled us to:
Put a full time teaching assistant in each classroom.
Employ a learning mentor and attendance officer.
Get extra support from outside agencies.
Provide 1:1 or small group support.
Fund enrichment activities and resources.