“This library is a lot bigger and I like the nature theme. It is more like a real library, not cramped like the old library.” Taleen (Year 5)
“The library is amazing! I literally love it! It looks organised but nice and cosy. It makes me feel like I am reading in a forest.” Malakai (Year 5)
“It's enjoyable listening to younger children read. I like helping them. Being a Reading Buddy makes me feel proud and responsible.” Isabel (Year 6)
“It's great to see how the younger children are improving with their reading. I love listening to them.” Miley (Year 6)
“Being a Reading Buddy makes me feel proud as I love seeing the children grow with their reading.” Millie (Year 6)
Our new library is now open!

Welcome to Roe Farm Primary School
Welcome to our school where we believe that
We are a fairly large school in the Derby suburb of Chaddesden.
Along with some amazing staff, we are fortunate to be well resourced with large classrooms, a separate hall and gym, large playing field, multi-use games area and nurture unit.
At Roe Farm, we provide a deep, meaningful learning experience for
all our pupils that provides the foundations for continued success.

Together we make a difference!

Meet Bamboo, our new panda bear who will be keeping our fantastic, new library safe and tidy.
School opens 8.45am - 3.15pm
Gates are open from 8.30am in the morning
Notice Board
Check out our new displays showing our vision and values

It is our belief that all children are of equal value, that every child in the school has the right to be taught without being interrupted or disturbed, and that all adults have the right to teach and work with children without having their authority or role undermined. In the school community, all children have a right to feel safe, secure, accepted and valued. The school will ensure that right wherever possible. The children have discussed what they feel to be their rights and have developed 3 simple rules that they believe will make the school a better place for all.
These clearly link with our school
values of:
Respect, Optimism, Enthusiasm, Friendly, Achievers, Ready and Motivated and with our school motto of
“Together we make a difference.”
• Be Safe • Be Respectful • Be Responsible
We are delighted to share the Ofsted report following their recent two day inspection on the 12th and 13th June 2024. The inspectors concluded that Roe Farm Primary School is GOOD in all areas (Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development, Leadership and Management and Early Years Provision), resulting in an Overall Effectiveness of GOOD for the school.
We are also pleased the report acknowledges and recognises that Roe Farm Primary School is an inclusive school and how pupils are well supported with their social and emotional wellbeing. Children across all year groups enjoy learning through real life experiences and opportunities. It also recognised that we are ambitious for all pupils to achieve well, starting in the Early Years where firm foundations for learning are secured.
A copy of the report and letter to parents/carers can be found below.
Ofsted Report
June 12th & 13th 2024
Ofsted letter to parents